Parent/Carers Consultation Meetings

The Keyham Lodge and Millgate Schools’ Federation Governing Body and Discovery Trust Board are
considering joining to become one Academy Trust.
We believe that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and through uniting Keyham Lodge’s
success, alongside this proven multi Academy Trust model of governance we will create and secure a
transformational and unique offer for our children. A partnership with Discovery will increase
opportunities for our children to achieve their true potential on leaving school.
In order to understand more about what this involves, we have arranged meetings for parents/carers to attend and discuss the plans for Keyham Lodge and Millgate Schools Federation to convert to Academy Status.
Academy Consultation Meetings:
MONDAY 9 December 2019 between 12:00 – 1:00pm at LCB Depot, 31 Rutland Street, Leicester, LE1 1RE
TUESDAY 10 December 2019 between 4:00 – 4:30pm at Keyham Lodge School.
Please see the attached letter below for further information.