Careers programme
Our transition strategy is designed to meet the needs of our learners at Keyham Lodge School by providing a purposeful and bespoke journey through KS4 to ensure a successful transition into their next phase of education.
We aim to create a positive culture and reduce barriers by instilling confidence and self-motivation in all Keyham students, leading to high aspirations that are delivered through a range of media.
With this support in place, students will be able to actively decide on their career pathway in the knowledge that the experiences they have gained will underpin their choices.
The Careers Programme is reviewed every June. The Gatsby Benchmarks are reviewed each term. Work Experience is evaluated after each Work Experience week.
Careers Leaders:
Richard Doyle -
Sarie-Marais Crowcroft -
Keyham Lodge School
Keyham Lane
Le5 1fg
0116 2416852
KS3 :
Success Measures:
Students engagement
Choice of pathway option sustained
Impact Ed
Qualification achieved
Reviews from Keyworker
Feedback from employers or tutors |
Year 10
Work Experience Success
Compass results
Meeting Gatsby benchmarks
Option choice at year 11 |
Year 11
Reviews from Keyworker
Feedback from employers or tutors
Understanding of necessary qualification
Evidence / photos testimonials Value of partnership companies (Keyham Star Companies) |