KS3 Art & Design
Whats included in the curriculum?
Our key stage 3 curriculum is built around experimenting and mastering skills/techniques that will prepare students for the GCSE qualification and broaden the experience of the subject for all students. It helps students to develop their creativity and celebrate diversity of culture in the world, in which we live. Students gain understanding of the stages of developing a design and become familiar with skills, techniques and processes that are used in the creative industry of the past and present. We encourage students to take risks whilst also teaching the importance of refinement. Students maximise their learning experience by having access to a variety of wet and dry mediums, print making equipment and textile based machinery/equipment such as sewing machines and batik. Students are assessed in accordance to the AQA success criteria.
What project are included?
Year 7
- Pop Art
- Romero Britto
Year 8
- Native Art
- African Art
Year 9
- Asian Art
- Chinese Art
Please see the curriculum map for further details on what is included in our projects.
What options will I have at GCSE in Art & Design?
When moving into year 10, if selecting Art & design as one of your options you will have the opportunity to design your key stage four curriculum around your strengths and interests. You will be able to decide on the following GCSE courses:
- Art, Craft & Design
- Art Textiles
- Art Photography
- Art Graphics