KS4 Art & Design
What’s in it for me?
This GCSE is designed to bring Art and Design to life and to help you develop your artistic skills and expand your creativity, imagination and independence. What’s more, the possibilities for personal expression are endless.
How could it help with my future?
The course is good preparation for progression to A Level in Art and Design, or a suitable college/ vocational course. Depending on the options you take, it could lead towards a wide range of careers in the art and design field, including in fine art, new media, fashion/textile design, games development, games technologies and more.
What are some of the things I’ll learn?
We want this to be an inspiring GCSE that will encourage you to consider a wide range of approaches to expressing yourself through different materials, media and techniques.
It will help you gain knowledge and understanding of art, craft, design, media and technologies today and in the past, and in different societies and cultures. You’ll also develop an understanding of the different roles, audiences and consumers for art, craft and design. You’ll experience different work practices and look at relevant processes and equipment too.
How will my work be assessed?
This GCSE has a controlled assessment unit, which will involve you in producing a portfolio of work. Controlled assessment means coursework you do in a supervised environment – which could be in your classroom or, for example, on a field trip. There’ll also be a ten-hour practical task (for which you’ll have preparation time too).
What grades could I get?
You’ll get a grade for each unit from 9 to 1 and then an overall grade for the whole course, which will be from 9 to 1.
The AQA Assessment Objectives which the students and the department will work with are outlined below:
Art Assessment Objectives:
- AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
- AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
- AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
- AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
Got any more questions?
If you think this GCSE is right for you, why not have a chat with your Art teacher?
The Art Long Term Plans are linked below:
For further information, please contact Paige.
Below are some examples of students GCSE Art work: