core Values
Behaviour Principles -
Character - Character: Within CORE, character will develop an individual’s understanding of their own identity as well as caring about and acting upon ethical values.
Overarching Learning Intention:
To develop a deep understanding of self, self-identify and self- motivations in order to be able to make better life choices.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: within CORE emotional intelligence will develop an individual’s ability to understand and recognise their emotions and be aware of others.
Overarching Learning Intention:
To develop a deep understanding of how to behave and react to the people rod you. To demonstrate an understanding of the needs of all individuals
Resilience: Within CORE, resilience develops the ability to improvise, adapt and overcome challenges, giving individuals the determination to bounce back.
Overarching Learning Intention:
To develop a deep understanding of you mind, how you can keep it healthy and why a growth mindset can unlock all your potential.
Oracy: within CORE, Oracy develops the confidence to communicate appropriately and listen sensitively.
Within CORE, ORACY means that students are encouraged to develop and revise their understanding through sustained and productive dialogue with teachers and peers.
Overarching Learning Intention:
To develop a deep understanding of oracy skills that are required to learn effectively through talk ensuring that group talk develops both students' thinking and understanding